My name is Paris and I am excited to be a part of this project, as I believe knowledge sharing, collaboration, and community engagement are the cornerstones of harmonious living. Given the UK's current political climate and financial crisis, more people are becoming neglected and isolated. Quite naturally, whole communities are feeling hopeless and apathetic. Throughout history, we've seen how creativity reinvigorates the human spirit, to connect with others, find solutions and heal from challenging circumstances. This is what the Marshgate Wayfinding project has to offer its locals. This project is especially close to my heart, as I have navigated Marshgate Lane in a multitude of ways: as a local resident, as a local employee, as a jogger, as an artist, as a female, as a queer woman, as a black person, and as a neurodivergent. It's these identities (and more), that helps me travel with empathy, as well as offer incite as to where space and place can be improved, not just for me as an individual but for those who also relate to my lived experiences.